Frederickiana is a proffesional ensemble consisting of dancers from leading theatres in Poland which continues the tradition of The Ballet of His Majesty The King Stanisław August Poniatowski which was established in 1774 and achieved renown in its field in Europe thanks to the high-level of education and versatile artistic abilities of their artists. Our ensemble happens to be the first one in Poland to follow this path together with creating ballets based mainly on Chopin's music and Polish composers.
This privately owned exhibition belonging to the Biegański family portrays the period of life when Chopin was settled in Poland and also presents the achievements of Frederickiana. The first part: "Chopin in his homeland" presents the Warsaw period of his life, as well as minor towns and country residences in Poland which the young composer had visited and is dedicated to the local inhabitants who cultivated passed on tradition and heritage from generation to generation. The second part "Fantasy on Polish aires" is an artistic portrait of the accomplishments of the Frederickiana ensemble which throughout its 20 years of activity created many choreographies to music pieces belonging to the author of Mazurkas and Polonaises.
From 1999 up till now we prepare ballet peformances annually which are based on Polish tradition, history, culture and heritage. Thanks to these objectives we meet the expactations of the public especially those who want to expierience classical ballet at a distinct level. Our presentations have gained recognition of authorities of arts and science and are always gladly welcomed by the audience.
Our congratulations on the performance, ideas, dancers, music and choreography. Indeed, we are deeply moved...
Barbara i Grzegorz Sutt
Chopin Impressions
Bravo, bravo and bravo once more! This spectacle proves how much power and beauty lies within classical ballet...
Andrzej i Ewa Januszajtis
Suita Chopinowska
I wish to thank you sincerely for this unforgettable expierience. I am enchanted by the choreography, ideas of sets but above all the classical ballet of the dancers. Considering today's standards I have great respect for these young people who are able to present this level of beauty which underlies Chopin's music and ballet.